Too many moms are busy organizing the life they have with never-ending to-do lists that provide little fulfillment.
Stop organizing a life you don't love.
Start living the family life of your dreams.
As parents of seven children, we've been able to create our dream life of full-time family travel -- so far to 40+ countries on five continents.
Your dream might not be to travel the world with your family (or maybe it is). But that doesn't matter.
What matters is that whatever your dream is -- whether it's financial freedom or living on a farm -- there is a formula for making it happen with a family.
Let us share it with you so you can stop just managing and organizing a good life and start living an extraordinary one.
Even if you have no idea where to start -- or no idea what your dream is -- we'll walk you through the process step-by-step.
Print the planner pages from your computer and start using them today. Print more if you need them.
small, daily actions
We'll show you how to create your dream family life with small, daily actions, one check-mark at a time. It couldn't be simpler!
Step-by-step instructions for getting the planner pages bound at a local office supply store so you can have a 'real' planner.
Never print a page and do all your planning and daily tracking online with the BONUS editable PDF version.
achieve any dream -- even with kids!
It doesn't matter what your dream is -- or how many excuses kids you have. We will show you the simple steps to impossible dreams!
Reconnect with your biggest desires, dreams and ambitions and let them have space in your heart.
You can't change your life until you first change the story you tell yourself.
Instead of 1, 3 or 5 year goals, we'll focus on 12-week D.U.M.B. and S.M.A.R.T. for fast results!
Establish monthly 'landmarks' or milestones for progress on your goals.
Perfect for planning and tracking your progress on your 12-week goals
Instead of 1, 3 or 5 year goals, we'll focus on 12-week D.U.M.B. and S.M.A.R.T. for fast results!
Turn the printable Planner into a 'real' wire-bound planner at your local office supply store with these step-by-step instructions.
As a bonus, you'll receive a one-hour audio guide explaining how to use the planner to set and achieve BIG family goals.
Don't want to print or love planning online instead? Use the Bonus editable PDF version and set your goals and track your days without printing a sheet!
You'll receive:
Section 1: Connecting with Your BIG Vision
Section 2: Write a New Story
Section 3: Set D.U.M.B. & S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Section 4: Monthly Planning pages
Section 5: Weekly Planning pages for 12-Weeks (One Quarter)
Section 6: Daily Planning pages
Unlimited access to all pages and printables (over 60 pages)
BONUS #1: Wire-bound step-by-step instructions
BONUS #2: Planning and Dreaming Audio Guide
BONUS #3: Online Editable PDF version
About the Creator
I'm a super busy mom like you -- mother to seven children, homeschooler, and six-figure biz partner with my hubby. I'm able to accomplish big dreams and goals -- like taking my children to 60+ countries -- because of the system I've outlined in this planner. I know if you use it, you can make your family's dreams come true too!
If you don't find value in the Extraordinary Life Planner then you'll give you your money back within the first 30-Days.