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HUSBANDS & FATHERS, it's time to finally

be the man your family deserves!

HUSBANDS & FATHERS, it's time to finally be the man your family deserves!

Finally GeT UNDENIABLE RESULTS that YOUR WIFE & KIDS RESPECT with my 7-day challenge

The training you need to get obvious results in every important area of your life and family.







BURNT OUT? tired of 'dad life'? living on mental leftovers?

GREAT news! I'm the father of 7 children and I've DISCOVERED how to make being a husband and father one of the MOST exciting and fulfilling roles in the world!

No joke.

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You feel like you're a 'good' husband and father... but sometimes it seems like:

❌ You only have 'leftovers' to give your wife and children when you come home from work. Your career or business zaps your energy and patience and you no longer enjoy what you do.

❌ You spend so much time on your device/phone or watching TV trying to 'decompress' that even when you're home you're not really 'present'.

❌ You're sick of being stressed out which leads to you being irritable with your wife and the kids. You know they deserve to have you be happier and kinder. You don't treat your co-workers or friends this way...

❌ This is partly due to the fact that you keep a horrible work and sleep schedule!

You're too controlling over the finances (and other stuff too) and you feel bad about it.

You would like to earn more money (or at least give the family access to more money so they can use it for what they need to grow and develop. You're just always stressed there won't be enough and that there will be no end to trading your life for money!)

❌ You've got to admit it -- you try to demand or threaten obedience from the kids instead of earning their respect through mentoring and coaching them.

Bedtime is the worst time of day when you seem to turn into a monster dad!

❌ Your wife wants you to help out more but you just need to decompress when you get home -- so you're another 'child' to care for... not an adult to help and support HER!

❌ You're longing to connect MORE often intimately and sexually but your wife is often too busy, disinterested, or just straight out rejects you. (Shhh... a little secret -- this is likely because HER needs aren't being met. They are different than yours.)

❌ You lack self-confidence and it's not helping you to be the husband and father you need to be or that your family respects.

❌ You've forgotten what it feels like to know you have more potential and untapped greatness.

❌ You've lost sight of your goals, dreams, and ambitions. Or you've achieved them all and you wonder, "What else is there?"

❌ You're unhappy, discouraged, depressed, and/or burnt-out... but you don't know how to change any of that without being a 'bad guy' and neglecting your wife and kids...

❌ You might even be dealing with childhood trauma that's holding you back in ways you don't understand.

What if there WAS a way to be happier, MORE RESPECTED, patient, AND fulfilled


What if you were EXCITED to go home and see your wife and kids?

What if they were EXCITED to see you, instead of afraid of what you'll do or say now that you're home?

AND had enough energy to help out with chores and wrestle with the kids?

What if when your wife wanted to talk to you about your day you knew how to sincerely listen and ENJOY her sharing her thoughts and feelings?

What if she said 'Yes!' to and initiated sex more often?!!

What if you put the kids to bed for your wife -- and enjoyed that time with them instead of ruining relationships by yelling?

What if you made 2-10x more income you did now and didn't have to always say "We can't afford it"

What if you became the POWER for making things POSSIBLE -- instead of a source of frustration, anger, and disappointment?

What if your wife and children truly RESPECTED you because you were honestly the BEST MAN they have in their life?

Sign up for Greg Denning's 7-day Be THE Family Man challenge and he'll show you why this isn't some 'pipe dream' but a reality when you know the 'secrets' to FINALLY GET THE RESULTS YOU'VE BEEN STRUGGLING TO ACHIEVE!

There are 7 things that most men are missing from their life that cause them to behave in ways that SABOTAGE their relationships, personal happiness, and keep them from getting the RESULTS they want and NEED -- and BEING the man their family deserves.

JOIN my 7-day Be the family man challenge to discover the 7 things that are missing from your life as a family man!

$488 just $17 for a limited time!


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"I just want to say thank you for making such a great resource available! I am super excited to [go through it] and better solidify and define what masculinity is in my mind and how to help nurture it in my family. I hope others recognize the truth in your words and are able to take it to heart."


"I've been taking my time going through the Be THE Family Man workshop, and I've written over 20 pages of answers to the questions you ask in the workbook (I'm on day 4 right now, and spending several days on it). It's been great. I love you guys, and appreciate all the inspiration and help you've provided to me the last few months since your podcast was recommended to me."


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Instead of existing in a 'walking coma', having a mid-life crisis, or feeling like you're 'dying on the inside', you can bring yourself back to life so you're excited about living YOUR life again!

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You don't have to be drained all the time and running on empty. Become re-energized and vibrantly alive, able and willing to be supportive, and THE man your family wants and NEEDS you to be!

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Without something really challenging, noble, or meaningful to work towards, men lose excitement for living and mentally disconnect. Greg will help you find your purpose again.

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There's a reason why the kids don't listen to you and you've lost some respect from your wife... Gain it back & INCREASE your influence and respect with the tools in this Be the Family-Man Challenge

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Feel better about yourself, walk with your head held high and your shoulders back, confident you can take on the world with your uniquely acquired 'particular set of skills'.

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Men who feel like they're 'dying inside' aren't living up to their full potential -- including earning & income. Unleash YOUR power within and you'll increase your earning ability -- something you (and your family) WANTS & NEEDS you to do.

SIGN UP FOR THIS 7-Day Challenge today!

Only $488 $17 FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

you were LED TO THIS PAGE...

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"I just purchased your Be the Family Man workshop as your last few e-mails have resonated with me. I am [excited for] what I will learn to benefit my marriage but also because I am raising two sons and I am saddened by the demise of masculinity in our society. It has become a negative thing, as your reader mentioned Toxic Masculinity, to demonstrate the essence of what I believe is masculine. We need stronger leaders who are capable of doing the right thing and the tough thing and feeling competent doing so (this can be male or female, but the energy is masculine). Many thanks for all you are providing on your website and through your programs. "

Dave S., Father and Business Owner

"I just purchased your Be the Family Man workshop as your last few e-mails have resonated with me. I am [excited for] what I will learn to benefit my marriage but also because I am raising two sons and I am saddened by the demise of masculinity in our society. It has become a negative thing, as your reader mentioned Toxic Masculinity, to demonstrate the essence of what I believe is masculine.

We need stronger leaders who are capable of doing the right thing and the tough thing and feeling competent doing so (this can be male or female, but the energy is masculine). Many thanks for all you are providing on your website and through your programs. "

Dave S.
Father and Business Owner

a MESSAGE from Greg denning,

WHY the be the family man 7-DAY challenge?

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Hey! I'm Greg Denning.

I've been joyfully married for 20 years and I'm the father of 7 children.

But I didn't start out as a successful man or come from a successful family. I left home at the age of 16 and spent some lonely, hard, and depressing years.

Sometimes I was homeless and had to sleep in my truck. I often went hungry. I was shy, timid, and terrified of people.

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This painful time became a catalyst that drove me (out of desperation) to find the answers to success and happiness in life. I couldn't continue to live in pain and suffering!

The truths I discovered led me to marry the woman and create the marriage of my dreams, become a father of seven amazing children, 'worldschool' and travel with them to 40+ countries on 5 continents, all while building a successful multiple six-figure coaching business.

Not only that, but I'm an executive life & business coach who's worked with thousands of families (and men) on five continents helping them to find peace, happiness, purpose, fulfillment, adventure, and meaning in their family life through seminars, workshops, one-on-one, and group coaching, and live adventures and trips.

The idea for this Be THE Family-Man challenge came to me when I recently asked myself some questions ...

WIth so much going on in the world right now -- economies, pandemics, education crises, etc. -- I know many men and women, couples and families are struggling...

Either because they're unable to handle the additional stresses life is throwing at them right now or because everything has drastically changed and they're not sure what to do about it.

More importantly, the challenges and struggles you were dealing with before that ALREADY made life difficult, meaningless, discouraging, often overwhelming, and sometimes boring have now been aggravated by worldwide stressors.

And let's be real.

The strategies we were using before to handle life's daily struggles were BARELY getting us through.

Today they no. longer. work.

Basically, all families -- and husbands/fathers especially -- could use a life-management-strategy overhaul right now. We could ALL benefit from a workshop to help us cope, gain confidence (and hope), and the competence and skillities (skills & abilities) to not only SURVIVE but THRIVE -- no matter what the world brings -- and regardless of whether we're currently doing 'okay' and making it through or we're barely hanging on!

So I asked myself two questions:

How can I help husbands and fathers QUICKLY gain more confidence and competence so they can be more present, engaged, influential, AND abundant -- and be THE MAN their families NEED them to be right now?


How can I ALSO help these men QUICKLY feel more long-lasting fulfillment, excitement, purpose, and passion for their family, work, and life?

I did NOT ask...

..."how can I help these men achieve their biggest goals and dreams?" That can require large investments of time and money.

..."how can I help these men totally transform their life or career?" That can take weeks, months or longer.

What I did ask...

How can I help husbands and fathers see QUICK, positive -- but long-lasting -- results in the shortest amount of time possible?

I thought it over and examined all of the strategies and principles I've used in coaching and teaching for the past 25+ years and I came back to what just WORKS...

Simple and easy key principles & strategies my clients and I have personally used to create unbelievable success in our family relationships -- even losing 50 lbs, earning more in one month than they used to earn a year, to bringing back the passion to their marriage, and overcoming major health challenges.

my be the family man 7-day Challenge TRAINS YOU IN simple Principles & strategies which change everything for a man!


And you can learn, apply, and start seeing results in 7 to 30 days (or less).

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The principles & strategies I teach inside the Be THE Family Man Challenge are the same ones I've used in my high-end coaching sessions to help men be better engaged, PRESENT, patient, and contributing husbands and fathers.

They're the same strategies my clients have used to DOUBLE and TRIPLE their income -- and their family life happiness and contentment.

They are the same strategies my clients have used to find more fulfillment in work and in their role as a husband and father; to discover their life passion & purpose; to bring the spark & romance back to their marriage; and to become the MAN that their wife, children, extended family, and peers RESPECT and come to for advice and counsel.

These strategies WORK. And now I want to share them with you.

Awww yeah!

This is the ONLY TIME you will see this 7-DAY Challenge offered at this price.

You can sign up later but at 13x as much -- $441 MORE!
RIGHT NOW get access for JUST $17

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Instead of coming home EXHAUSTED and irritated, you come home full of ENERGY and ready to ENGAGE fully with your wife and kids.

...WANTING (and being able) to put your phone away to be PRESENT, affectionate, and patient with the family... no more need to 'decompress' (at least not the old ways that don't strengthen your family relationships).

...feeling that you're growing in CONFIDENCE and improving your COMPETENCE as a man, husband, father, provider, lover, and leader.

...managing your stress better and being filled more often with contentment and joy.

...partly because you're keeping a better sleep and work schedule, which gives you more time to spend doing what you love with the people you love.

...discovering your inner greatness, feeling goal-driven in a healthy way, and losing your sense of hopelessness and discouragement -- you're actually feeling excited about life again!

...AND earning more money than ever!

How does all of this happen with just a 7-Day Challenge?

Because the strategies & principles I teach in the Be THE Family-Man Challenge are simple habits that just WORK to produce results once applied. It doesn't matter who you are or how much discipline you have.

Apply the principles I teach and you WILL get the results you seek!

These are the things that make the difference between men who feel like they're in a 'walking coma' and slowly 'dying inside'...

...and the men who feel AWAKE, ENERGIZED, AND ALIVE!

And I'm sharing this right now with you because I don't want any more couples and families to suffer needlessly any longer than they have to when there are PROVEN solutions to end the misery.

I don't want you (and your family) to simply SURVIVE...

I want you to THRIVE.

And you CAN with the Be THE Family Man Challenge.

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Sign up for the Be The Family Man Challenge today


No guess-work. No theories. No feel-good ideas. Just strategies that get results.



Unlock inner power. Develop unwavering certainty. Create health and fitness. Produce bigger profits. Find purpose. Expand your legacy.

It's no longer a question. After proving these systems with results in my own life...

And facilitating results with thousands of people on five continents...

It's undeniable.

This Formula WORKS every time a man shows up committed to doing the work required to get the results you desire.

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Tap into the power you didn't know you had in order to produce RESULTS in ALL areas of your life... at the same time. (This is NOT too good to be true!)

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Break free from the limiting beliefs that are subconsciously sabotaging your success and keeping you stuck in chaos, scarcity, and despair.

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Discover how to have more passion and purpose in your marriage, sex life, bank account, spirituality, fitness, relationships, and leadership.

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Create leverage, momentum, and discipline so you can FINALLY get fit in and into the best health of your life -- and stay there into your 40s, 50s, & beyond!

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Help you double or triple your income and your business. No joke.

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Finally hit those targets and goals you've been missing for so many years.

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Make you a "world's best dad' in the eyes of your kids -- someone they look up to, respect and aspire to be like.

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Increase the love and respect of your woman, reignite your relationship, and help you to meet her needs in ways that truly matter to her.

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Grow your connection with your higher self and a Higher power and develop more balance and peace in your life.

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Allow you to identify a vision of and to build a legacy that will outlive you.

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“Since my husband has been working with you, he has really become a man among men.”

Katie B., Mother of four

“Since my husband has been working with you, he has really become a man among men.”

Katie B.
Mother of four

"Had my best month ever in December. 2.7M total. 2.2M was in the last 2 weeks of the month so that paycheck + bonus for being over 1M will yield $43600 gross paycheck."

Jason L.
Professional & Father of four

"My first week truly pushing myself has opened up levels in me I didn't know could be opened. I appreciate it, and can't wait to be even better."

Charles S.

"Greg always makes me feel excited about things that matter most, but he also scares me a bit, because he challenges the status quo. I know Greg can help me connect with my true self and to have the courage to create an awesome plan for an awesome life and to muster up the courage and discipline to do it. Thank you for helping me put the foundation in place for awesomeness."

Bill T.
Biz Owner & Father of three

"I'm so blessed to have your support and wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do. You will always be remembered as the one who transformed daddy!"

Israel P.
Professional & Father of four

"I have been reading through my notes over the past year and it is almost scary the amount of growth I have experienced. Looking back at the notes I was taking a year ago make me realize how small-minded I was seeing everything. That was a dangerous place. Even my own mother noticed the change in me and said that she can tell that I’m happier now. My wife also said that I'm happier and more confident than I've ever been! Thank you Greg for the shift!"

Brian K.
Dentist & Father of five

"It is not easy putting into words what my experience with Greg has done for my life. But the results speak for themselves. For example, after being a dedicated diet soda drinker for over a decade, within one conversation with Greg I committed to quitting and have not touched it in 8 months. Also, I now have the habit of waking up early (something I never thought I could do) to hit my priorities. I move the needle on my big picture goals every day before my young kids even wake up! But these are just the tip of the iceberg. Among countless other ways, one big area I have noticed immense change is in my clarity and vision of my life. After years of feeling frustrated by knowing that I wanted to do more with my life, but not knowing what to do or how, I now have the clarity and vision to know what I want out of life and how to get there. I can say with sincerity that Greg has changed my life in big ways."

Sam K.

"Greg is the best! He truly lives what he teaches which makes his training so much more impactful. He’s helped me recognize things in my life that were holding me back, worked out strategies and skills to overcome them. He’s also been instrumental in holding me accountable and helping me truly dial in my habits and routines. I’m excited for every day and what the future holds. I have a vision of my best self and family and am working with purpose and determination to get there. I’ve seen improvements in all aspects of my life. My relationship with my wife, kids, employees, spirituality, physical fitness, emotional, mental, financial... you name it we’ve worked on it and honed in on improving it. You won’t regret having Greg as your coach."

Travis L.
Professional & Father of four

"Had my best month ever in December. 2.7M total. 2.2M was in the last 2 weeks of the month so that paycheck + bonus for being over 1M will yield $43600 gross paycheck."

J. L., Professional & Father of three

"My first week truly pushing myself has opened up levels in me I didn't know could be opened. I appreciate it, and can't wait to be even better."

Charles S.

"I'm so blessed to have your support and wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do. You will always be remembered as the one who transformed daddy!"

Israel P., Professional & Father of four
Sam K.
Parent of four

"It is not easy putting into words what my experience with Greg has done for my life. But the results speak for themselves. For example, after being a dedicated diet soda drinker for over a decade, within one conversation with Greg I committed to quitting and have not touched it in 8 months. Also, I now have the habit of waking up early (something I never thought I could do) to hit my priorities. I move the needle on my big picture goals every day before my young kids even wake up! But these are just the tip of the iceberg. Among countless other ways, one big area I have noticed immense change is in my clarity and vision of my life. After years of feeling frustrated by knowing that I wanted to do more with my life, but not knowing what to do or how, I now have the clarity and vision to know what I want out of life and how to get there. I can say with sincerity that Greg has changed my life in big ways."

Travis L.
Parent of four

"Greg is the best! He truly lives what he teaches which makes his training so much more impactful. He’s helped me recognize things in my life that were holding me back, worked out strategies and skills to overcome them. He’s also been instrumental in holding me accountable and helping me truly dial in my habits and routines. I’m excited for every day and what the future holds. I have a vision of my best self and family and am working with purpose and determination to get there. I’ve seen improvements in all aspects of my life. My relationship with my wife, kids, employees, spirituality, physical fitness, emotional, mental, financial... you name it we’ve worked on it and honed in on improving it. You won’t regret having Greg as your coach."

This isn't something I say lightly.

There is an urgency for you to take action.

The world is shifting rapidly and facing real problems and disasters, even collapse.

Your spouse, your children, your business colleagues, and your community need YOU to lead them with certainty.

You have to 'pay the dues' required to become the best version of yourself...

You have to stop the meaningless search for avoidance, comfort, and distraction...


Invest in yourself.

This isn't something I say lightly.

There is an urgency for you to take action.

The world is shifting rapidly and facing real problems.

Your spouse, your children, your business colleagues, and your community need YOU to lead them with certainty.

You have to 'pay the dues' required to become the best version of yourself...

You have to stop the meaningless search for buffering, comfort, and distraction...


Invest in yourself.

here's everything you get when you make an investment in your crucial role as a family man and reach your untapped potential

just $1,997 $488 $17 for a limited time

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Join the Be The Family Man 7-Day Challenge

You'll Get Lifetime Access to...

LIFETIME Access to Be The Family Man 7-Day Challenge -- The 7 A's That Every Man Needs to Be His Best $997 VALUE

LIFETIME Access to the Be The Man (BTM) App & Forum (connect with other men in the BTM Tribe) $597 VALUE

BONUS: LIFETIME Access to The Be The Man Method -- 5 Fundamentals of Family Manhood & 50+ Tools $1497 VALUE

BONUS: LIFETIME Access to the Be The Family Man University -- get a degree in family life $1997 VALUE

​​BONUS: LIFETIME Access to the Man of M.E.T.A.L. 28-Day Challenge -- daily action steps for strengthening your mindset and emotions, building trust, taking action, and creating your ideal lifestyle. $597 VALUE

Exclusive invitations to upcoming Man Adventure Camps (these are not available to the general public). PRICELESS

TOTAL VALUE $3,688 Available for $1,997 $488 $17 but only for a short time.

7 Videos for 7 Days for the 7-Day Challenge - 7 'A's' every man must have to Be the Family Man

10+ videos on taking care of yourself so that you’re no longer exhausted, burnt out and stressed out all the time.

10+ videos on bringing the magic back to your marriage, even if your spouse isn’t doing her part.

10+ videos on being a more influential parent, to actually ensure the outcomes you want.

10+ videos to transform your family dynamics and culture. More peace, more connection, more joy, more cooperation.

10+ videos about family finances to increase your income, track your spending, get out of debt, and learn to invest.

Over 50+ training videos in all -- PLUS dozens of audio and written lessons -- to support a lifetime journey of learning, growth, and family development with you as the leader.

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There is likely a part of you that wants to join the Be the Family Man Challenge...

There's another part of you that is hesitant because you don't want to face the hard stuff...

Or you don't want to spend the money...

Or you don't want to convince your wife that this would be a good idea...

Or you don't want to make the effort to change...

And that's the problem with MOST MEN today.

They're living in a state of resignation or despair and they're not willing to do the hard work necessary to grab hold of the power within them to create the life they really want...

They're not willing to risk the chance to fulfill their potential and manifest their true destiny.

This definition of HELL has stuck with me the longest...

It's when the man you are comes face to face with the man you could have become.

If I haven't become my very best self, that day will definitely be hell for me.

We ALL deserve to reach our fullest potential.

It's our birthright, our manifest destiny.

But YOU are the one responsible to claim it.

No one will do it for you.

It has to be earned through challenge and discomfort and hard work -- first by learning and then by living the principles and practices that are proven to get results.

You can't listen to your INNER CRITIC.

Choose to listen to the voice that hears the CALL FOR GREATNESS.

Step into the discomfort.

Because there are only THREE paths you can take right now...

PATH #1: Listen to the inner critic and stay comfortable, even if you're miserable. (This is the path of 97% of men).

PATH #2: Be indecisive about what to do and let the inner critic and the call to greatness battle it out (this eventually leads to PATH #1).

PATH #3: Listen to the CALL to greatness and join this CHALLENGE.

You've let the inner critic win too often, just like most men.

It's simple.

Stop listening.

PATH #1 AND #2 lead to a sea of mediocrity that ends on your deathbed with regret.

PATH #3 leads to becoming part of the top 3% of men in the world who actually work to get what they want in life...

You'll become a part of an exclusive group of elite husbands and fathers you can connect with, turn to, and network with.

You'll increase your confidence...

You'll have more opportunities and grow your income...

You'll have respect from your wife, children, and colleagues.

The choice is YOURS.

Which path?

Which voice?

See you on the inside.

don't be most men.

be the man.

That's a Total Value of $1997 All Yours For




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Be THE Family Man Workbook & Ebook


Want to 10x your chances of success? Get access to the Be THE Family Man Workbook  to accompany the Be THE Family Man 7-Day Challenge. Click the button below to add it -- you can't buy this from me anywhere else!
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